Welcome to Truska CMS Demo system

The easy way to manage your web site

Home page goes text here

Truska, and our partner company digita.ageny, uses the TruskaCMS solution for custmised web site managemnet.

CMS means "Content Management System" and it is used to manage the content on your web site, such as this content. It is designed with the non-techie in mind and is structured to meet the individual needs of each clinet, no jargon, uses your terminology, protected and oyou have acces to all you need but also you ae portected from crashing the iste by chnaging setting that you do not need to.

Originally built with advice from a client who had another well know system but found it was just too much, yes it did everything, but that was the problem, they did NOT want to do everything and with so much choice it was quite complex to use, esp. when not using it regulary and the user was non-techie.

So how did we design it:

Different levels of access, 3 by default levels (but more can bee added)
- User: what is needed day to day
- Admin: More and acess to user and other security setting
- Tech: For us back at Truska giving access to more backend stuff and sections that the client wants us to manage for them.

We only let you see what you need to see (agreed with client - not dictated by us)  so the amount you see is governed by the clients needs and skills)

Only let you you add and change what you need to on a day to day / month to month basis. Slim down the options available to what the client, based on need and skills, actually needs to operate. More complex and less regular tasks can be assigned to a Admin or Tech user or contracted back to us.

The 3 C's - Clean, Clear and Consistent interface. Everything is easy to find with common structure for all sections and elemnet of teh web site, using your terminology and no IT Jargon, Easy to find the section and bit of text you want to change, No information requested that you do not need and it is mobile friendly.

The list goes on - call and ask for a demo...

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Home Page Contect The easy way to manage your web site

This is the right hand column and we can have text, images, video or other items suh as 

  • Next Event
  • Porduct List
  • Latest Blogs
  • Latest News and more...

It is fully customisable.